Pass a Swift class as parameter, and then call a c

2019-06-16 21:18发布


I want to be able to store a class as a variable, so I can call class methods out of it later, something like this:

class SomeGenericItem: NSObject
    var cellClass: AnyClass

    init(cellClass: AnyClass)
        self.cellClass = cellClass

    func doSomething(p1: String, p2: String, p3: String)
        self.cellClass.doSomething(p1, p2: p2, p3: p3)

class SomeClass: NSObject
    class func doSomething(p1: String, p2: String, p3: String)

I want to be able to say something like:

let someGenericItem = SomeGenericItem(cellClass: SomeClass.self)

someGenericItem.doSomething("One", p2: "Two", p3: "Three")

What I'm trying to figure out is:

1) How would a protocol be defined so I could call class func doSomething?
2) What would the declaration of cellClass need to be?
3) What would the call look like?


Protocols can't define class methods, but static methods are fine. You'll need your wrapper to be generic, and specify a 'where' constraint that guarantees the wrapped type's conformance to your protocol.


protocol FooProtocol
    static func bar() -> Void

class FooishClass : FooProtocol
    static func bar() -> Void
        println( "FooishClass implements FooProtocol" )

class FooTypeWrapper< T where T: FooProtocol >
    init( type: T.Type )
        //no need to store type: it simply is T

    func doBar() -> Void


let fooishTypeWrapper = FooTypeWrapper( type: FooishClass.self )