I'm having issues with SonarQube raising issues with several of my unit tests, prompting the following issue:
Add at least one assertion to this test case.
Each test case resembles this format (where a number of assertions are delegated to a method with common assertions, to avoid duplication):
public void companyNameOneTooLong() throws Exception {
AddressFormBean formBean = getValidBean();
assertViolation(validator.validate(formBean), "companyNameOne", "length must be between 0 and 35");
private void assertViolation(Set<ConstraintViolation<AddressFormBean>> violations, String fieldname, String message) {
assertThat(violations, hasSize(1));
assertEquals(fieldname, violations.iterator().next().getPropertyPath().iterator().next().getName());
assertEquals(message, violations.iterator().next().getMessage());
Now, obviously I could just pull the three assertions out of the private method and put them in the test method - but I'm performing the same checks (on different fields) multiple times.
So, I thought I'd try to emulate the behaviour of the assertion methods, by (re) throwing an AssertionError
private void assertViolation(Set<ConstraintViolation<AddressFormBean>> violations, String fieldname, String message) throws AssertionError {
try {
assertThat(violations, hasSize(1));
assertEquals(fieldname, violations.iterator().next().getPropertyPath().iterator().next().getName());
assertEquals(message, violations.iterator().next().getMessage());
} catch (AssertionError e) {
throw e;
Unfortunately, this approach does not work either.
What's special about the JUnit assert methods / what is SonarQube looking for specifically to check that an assertion has been made for each test?
Alternatively - are there other approaches to achieve the same end result (avoiding duplicating the shared assertion code over and over)?