How do I display my time in 24h format instead of 12?
I am using moment.js.
I am pretty sure that these lines could have something to do with it.
meridiem : function (hours, minutes, isLower) {
if (hours > 11) {
return isLower ? 'pm' : 'PM';
} else {
return isLower ? 'am' : 'AM';
How to change it?
Have you read the docs?
It states
H, HH 24 hour time
h, or hh 12 hour time (use in conjunction with a or A)
Thus, stating your time as HH
will give you 24h format, and hh
will give 12h format.
Try: moment({ // Options here }).format('HHmm')
. That should give you the time in a 24 hour format.
Use H
or HH
instead of hh
. See
moment("01:15:00 PM", "h:mm:ss A").format("HH:mm:ss")
**o/p: 13:15:00 **
it will give convert 24 hrs format to 12 hrs format.
You can use
moment("15", "hh").format('LT')
to convert the time to 12 hours format like this 3:00 PM