Sitecore SIM Installation permission error

2019-06-16 19:27发布


I am trying to install SIM version 13 rev 1404021 using Administrative priveleges

When i click on Grant button it give me error that " you dont have neccessary permission set".

Also i have given full permission to Network Service,IUSR, IIS_USR and network to the folder


Kindly let me know whate else permission need to be given inorder to run sitecore instance manager succesfully.


It may be caused by bug in SIM that doesn't get actual SQL Server user account (LocalService or custom) and thinks that it is always NetworkService. So work around is to switch your SQL Server service from using LocalService or custom account to NetworkService.


Same context with Alen's answer, but in windows 10.

Use 'Local System account' and tick the 'Allow service to interact with desktop'. Then, restart the service.

At this point, you don't need to reopen the SIM installation window. You can just click the Grant button and it would work.


Well, for me the issue was that the database user didn't have the dbcreator role so the wizard couldn't create databases in SQL Server.

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Expand Security > Logins
  3. Double-click on the user to open the properties dialog
  4. In Server Roles, check the dbcreator role
  5. Press OK and enjoy



When you downloaded the SIM zip file from Marketplace, did you click "Properties" on the zip file and click the "Unblock" button before unzipping and running it?

I've found in the past that forgetting this step can be the cause of odd security related errors with applications.