
Angular - Dynamically add/remove validators

2019-06-16 16:07发布


I have a FormGroup defined like below:

this.businessFormGroup: this.fb.group({
    'businessType': ['', Validators.required],
    'description': ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(200)])],
    'income': ['']

Now when businessType is Other , I want to remove Validators.required validator from description. And if businessType is not Other, I want to add back the Validators.required.

I am using the below code to dynamically add/remove the Validators.required. However, it clears the existing Validators.maxLength validator.

if(this.businessFormGroup.get('businessType').value !== 'Other'){
    this.businessFormGroup.get('description').validator = <any>Validators.compose([Validators.required]);               
} else {                


My question is, how can I retain the existing validators when adding/removing the required validator.


Angular forms have a built in function setValidators() that enables programmatic assignment of Validators.

For your example you can do:

if(this.businessFormGroup.get('businessType').value !== 'Other'){
    this.businessFormGroup.controls['description'].setValidators([Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(200)]);              
} else {                

It is important to keep in mind that by using this method you will overwrite your existing validators so you will need to include all the validators you need/want for the control that you are resetting.


The naive approach would be to set the validators of the control whenever the conditional variable changes. But we can actually do better than that by using some indirection + functional programming.

Consider the existence of a descriptionIsRequired getter, that acts as a boolan flag.


  • Create a custom validator function that takes the descriptionIsRequired as argument and depending on it validates a control against required + maxLength or maxLength.
  • Bind the custom validator to the description control in such a way, that when the validity of the control is evaluated, the newest value of descriptionIsRequired should be considered.

The first point is pretty straight forward to implement:

function descriptionValidator(required: boolean): ValidatorFn {
  return (formControl: FormControl): ValidationErrors => {
    if (required) {
      return Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(200)])(formControl);
    } else {
      return Validators.maxLength(200)(formControl);

Notice that this is a self capsulated function.

The second point is a little bit more tricky, but in the end it looks like this:

export class FooComponent {
    this.form = fb.group({
      description: ['initial name', this.validator()]

  private get descriptionIsRequired(): boolean {

  private validator(): ValidatorFn {
    return (c: FormControl): ValidationErrors => descriptionValidator(this.descriptionIsRequired)(c);

A small explanation of what is happening:

  • the validator method returns a function
  • the function returned by validator could be considered a factory method: whenever its invoked, returns a new function, more specifically, a new instance of our descriptionValidator using the newest descriptionIsRequired value.

A live demo in the following stackblitz


Maybe this helps:

Adding Validators.required to the validatorset of an existing AbstractControl:

if (c.validator !== null) {
        c.setValidators([c.validator, Validators.required])
  } else {


This one work for me

