I am trying to create a delimitted string from the results of a query in DB2 on the iSeries (AS/400). I've done this in T-SQL, but can't find a way to do it here.
Here is my code in T-SQL. I'm looking for an equivelant in DB2.
SELECT @a = COALESCE(@a + ', ' + [Description], [Description])
FROM AP.Checkbooks
If the descriptions in my table look like this:
Desc 1
Desc 2
Desc 3
Then it will return this:
Desc 1, Desc 2, Desc 3
Essentially you're looking for the equivalent of MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT
aggregate function in DB2. According to one thread I found, you can mimic this behaviour by going through the XMLAGG
create table t1 (num int, color varchar(10));
insert into t1 values (1,'red'), (1,'black'), (2,'red'), (2,'yellow'), (2,'green');
select num,
substr( xmlserialize( xmlagg( xmltext( concat( ', ', color ) ) ) as varchar( 1024 ) ), 3 )
from t1
group by num;
This would return
1 red,black
2 red,yellow,green
(or should, if I'm reading things correctly)
You can do this using common table expressions (CTEs) and recursion.
cte1 as
(select description, row_number() over() as row_nbr from checkbooks),
cte2 (list, cnt, cnt_max) AS
(SELECT VARCHAR('', 32000), 0, count(description) FROM cte1
-- No comma before the first description
case when cte2.list = '' THEN RTRIM(CHAR(cte1.description))
else cte2.list || ', ' || RTRIM(CHAR(cte1.description)) end,
cte2.cnt + 1,
FROM cte1,cte2
WHERE cte1.row_nbr = cte2.cnt + 1 AND cte2.cnt < cte2.cnt_max ),
cte3 as
(select list from cte2
where cte2.cnt = cte2.cnt_max fetch first 1 row only)
select list from cte3;
I'm trying to do this in OLEDB and from what I understand you can't do this because you can't do anything fancy in SQL for OLEDB like declare variables or create a table. So I guess there is no way.
If you are running DB2 9.7 or higher, you can use LISTAGG function. Have a look here: