I have a js 'associative' array, with
array['serial_number'] = 'value'
serial_number and value are strings.
e.g. array['20910930923'] = '20101102'
I sorted it by value, works fine.
Let's say I get back the object 'sorted';
Now I want to access the first KEY of the 'sorted' array.
How do I do it? I can't think I need an iteration with
for (var i in sorted)
and just stop after ther first one...
edit: just to clarify, I know that js does not support associative arrays (that's why I put it in high commas in the Title).
JavaScript object properties are specified to have no order, much though many people wish it were different. If you need ordering, abandon any attempt to use an object and use an Array
instead, either to store name-value objects:
var nameValues = [
{name: '20910930923', value: '20101102'},
{name: 'foo', value: 'bar'}
... or as an ordered list of property names to use with your existing object:
var obj = {
'20910930923': '20101102',
'foo': 'bar'
var orderedPropertyNames = ['20910930923', 'foo'];
Try this:
// Some assoc list
var offers = {'x':{..some object...}, 'jjj':{...some other object ...}};
// First element (see attribution below)
return offers[Object.keys(offers)[0]];
// Last element (thanks to discussion on finding last element in associative array :)
return offers[Object.keys(offers)[Object.keys(offers).length - 1]];
Actually JavaScript doesn't support associative arrays, so you can't loop through it in an implied order (e.g. you can't access it via the indexer property array[0]
won't access the first element in your object). The syntax is what makes it look like it does, but in reality it doesn't. So you have no "Order" to your objects.
Javascript does not have, and does not
support Associative Arrays. However…
All arrays in Javascript are objects
and Javascript's object syntax gives a
basic emulation of an associative
Array. For this reason the example
code above will actually work. Be
warned that this is not a real array
and it has real pitfals if you try to
use it. The 'person' element in the
example becomes part of the Array
object's properties and methods, just
like .length, .sort(), .splice(), and
all the other built-in properties and
Just thinking off the top of my head, but could you have another array with the key value pairs swapped?
So the answer would be arrayKeyValueReversed['20101102'] = '20910930923';
When you sort the array, use the first item (array[0]) as the key to get the value in the arrayKeyValueReversed.