Is it possible to insert a table of integers like int[] numbers
into an SQLite Table ?
How to create the column where I put this table?
this line of code:
values.put(MySqlHelper.COLUMN_CHILDS, numbers);
Returns me an error like:
Change type of `numbers` to `String`
There is no array datatype in SQLite. You have two options:
Create 2 different tables, a "primary" table and a "numbers" table, where the numbers refer to a record (row) on the "primary" table via a foreign key.
(easier but not ideal): As @CloudyMarble suggests, Use Arrays.toString(numbers)
(or a StringBuilder
if for some reason that doesn't fit your needs) to put all of the numbers in your array into a comma-separated String and store that in your database. You can then pull that value back from the database into a Java array like so:
String[] s = stringFromDB.split(",");
int[] numbers = new int[s.length];
for (int curr = 0; curr < s.length; curr++)
numbers[curr] = Integer.parseInt(s[curr]);
insert your numbers array as a string:
And on reading split the array using the split method and convert elements to integer as @drewmore's answer show.