How to mock mongodb for python unittests?

2019-06-16 08:56发布


I am using mock module for Python 2.7 to mock my other functions and using

unittest for writing unit tests.

I am wondering if mocking the MongoDB is different than using mock functionality (mock.patch a function that is being called?) Or I need to use another different package for that purpose?

I do not think I want to have a test mongodb instance running. All I want is some tempo data and being able to call pymongo functionality. I am just a bit lost in thinking of is there a way to write a mock for a module (like pymongo), or anything is achievable by mock module.

So appreciate if you could provide an example or tutorial on this.

Code to Test

from pymongo import MongoClient

monog_url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017'
client = MongoClient(monog_url)
db = client.db

class Dao(object):
   def __init__(self):

   def save(self, user):
      db_doc = {

   def getbyname(self, user):
      db_doc = {
      return db.users.find(db_doc)

To test this, I do not really want a test mongodb up and running! But also, I think I do not want to mock db.userssave and db.users.find because I want to actually be able to retrieve the data that I saved and make sure it is in the db. I think I need to create some fixtures per models that are in my memory and work with them. Just do I need an external tool to do so?

I am thinking of keeping some fake data like this, just do not know how to properly deal with it.

users = { 
    {'name' : 'Kelly', 'email' : ''},
    {'name': 'Sam', 'email': ''}


I recommend using mongomock for mocking mongodb. It's basically an in-memory mongodb with pymongo interface and made specifically for this purpose.


You can certainly mock PyMongo, but I recommend mocking the MongoDB server itself. I've written a pure-Python emulator for MongoDB that can control fully, which responds to MongoDB Wire Protocol messages however you choose:

Here's an example of using MockupDB with a Python application:

It requires intimate knowledge of the MongoDB wire protocol, but that's a useful skill to acquire anyway.


You can also do this if you're just doing something simple, and you don't really need to retrieve by field.

def test_name(self, mock_find):
    mock_find.return_value = {'name' : 'Kelly', 'email' : ''}
    # rest of test