
How do I use parallel programming/multi threading

2019-06-16 08:06发布


This is my script:

#script to loop through directories to merge fastq files

for f in $sourcedir/*
    fbase=$(basename "$f")
    echo "Inside $fbase"
    zcat $f/*R1*.fastq.gz | gzip > $destdir/"$fbase"_R1.fastq.gz
    zcat $f/*R2*.fastq.gz | gzip > $destdir/"$fbase"_R2.fastq.gz

Here there are about 30 sub-directories in the directory 'source'. Each sub-directory has certain R1.fastq.gz files and R2.fastq.gz that I want to merge into one R1.fastq.gz and R2.fastq.gz file, then save the merged file to the destination directory. My code works fine but I need to speed it up because of the amount of data. I just want to know is there any way I can implement multi threaded programming in my script? How can I run my script so that multiple jobs run in parallel? New to bash scripting, so any help would be appreciated.


The simplest way is to execute the commands in the background, by adding & to the end of the command:

#script to loop through directories to merge fastq files

for f in $sourcedir/*
    fbase=$(basename "$f")
    echo "Inside $fbase"
    zcat $f/*R1*.fastq.gz | gzip > $destdir/"$fbase"_R1.fastq.gz &
    zcat $f/*R2*.fastq.gz | gzip > $destdir/"$fbase"_R2.fastq.gz &

From the bash manual:

If a command is terminated by the control operator ‘&’, the shell executes the command asynchronously in a subshell. This is known as executing the command in the background. The shell does not wait for the command to finish, and the return status is 0 (true). When job control is not active (see Job Control), the standard input for asynchronous commands, in the absence of any explicit redirections, is redirected from /dev/null.


I am not sure but you can try using & at the end of the command like this

zcat $f/*R1*.fastq.gz | gzip > $destdir/"$fbase"_R1.fastq.gz &
zcat $f/*R2*.fastq.gz | gzip > $destdir/"$fbase"_R2.fastq.gz &