I have a search form in JSF that is implemented using a RichFaces 4 autocomplete component and the following JSF 2 page and Java bean. I use Tomcat 6 & 7 to run the application.
<h:commandButton value="#{msg.search}" styleClass="search-btn" action="#{autoCompletBean.doSearch}" />
In the AutoCompleteBean
public String doSearch() {
//some logic here
return "/path/to/page/with/multiple_results?query=" + searchQuery + "&faces-redirect=true";
This works well as long as everything withing the "searchQuery" String is in Latin-1, it does not work if is outside of Latin-1.
For instance a search for "bodø" will be automatically encoded as "bod%F8". However a search for "Kra Ðong" will not work since it is unable to encode "Ð".
I have now tried several different approaches to solve this, but none of them works.
- I have tried encoding the searchQuery my self using URLEncode, but this only leads to double encoding since % is encoded as %25.
- I have tried using java.net.URI to get the encoding, but gives the same result as URLEncode.
- I have tried turning on UTF-8 in Tomcat using URIEncoding="UTF-8" in the Connector but this only worsens that problem since then non-ascii characters does not work at all.
So to my questions:
- Can I change the way JSF 2 encodes the GET parameters?
- If I cannot change the way JSF 2 encodes the GET parameters, can I turn of the encoding and do it manually?
- Am I doing something where strange here? This seems like something that should be supported out-of-the-box, but I cannot find any others with the same problem.