Is there any method that enables me to detect whether a button click was performed by a real user and not some automated method (javascript) that a user has loaded onto their browser developer console or other browser developer tool?
I tried the following methods suggested in various stackoverflow posts but none of them appear to work. REF: How to detect if a click() is a mouse click or triggered by some code?
Script Detection methods tried and failed: (e) {
if (!e.which) {
//Triggered by code NOT Actually clicked
alert(' e.which - not a real button click')
} else if ('isTrusted' in e && !e.isTrsuted) {
//Triggered by code NOT Actually clicked
alert(' e.isTrusted - not a real button click')
} else if (e.originalEvent === undefined) {
//Triggered by code NOT Actually clicked
alert(' e.originalEvent - not a realbutton click')
// else if (!e.focus) {
// //triggered // does not detect e.focus on a real btn click
// alert(' e.focus - not a realbutton click')
// }
else {
// Button hopefully clicked by a real user and not a script
If I run the following script to trigger the button click from the Chrome browser console none of the methods above traps it as being triggered by a script.
var button = document.getElementById("btnSubmit");;
Thank you for all your responses and thanks to stackoverflow for providing such a great site that facilitates so much knowledge sharing and for saving us techies an untold number of hours.
It appears that I still do not have reliable method. All 3 browsers (FF, IE & Chrome) provide a developer/console interfaces for a user to run/inject a javascript on my webpage. It appears that each browser flavor traps some event property values a little differently. For example: Chrome traps the difference between a script activated cick and a real user with e.screenX but in IE: e.screenX has the same value for both a script click (synthetic) and a user button click
The following detection methods either did not work at all or are inconsistent across the different browsers: e.which e.isTrsuted e.originalEvent (event.source != window) (e.distance != null)
The mousedown event appears to be only triggered by a real user button click, but I have to assume there is some script method to emulate a mousedown in addition to a button click event
$(me.container + ' .mybutton').mousedown(function (e) {
alert('mouseisdown real button click');
If anyone can figure out a reliable method that works across multiple browsers, that detects the difference between a synthetic (script) button click and a button click by a user, you will deserve superhero status.