I have defined a ComboBox
which allows the user to select a contact from his contact list. The ComboBox is showing the contact name, but that can not really be used to map to the real contact: the contact ID is needed. My problem is that I do not know how to populate the Vaadin
with linked values and IDs, but only showing the values.
// Add all organization contacts to the drop-down
for (Contact contact : organizationContacts) {
contactName = contact.getName();
contactId = contact.getId();
_logger.debug("Adding contactName=" + contactName + " contactId=" + contactId + " to person with id=" + personId);
// Add the contact of this person, and select it in the drop-down
contactName = person.getContact().getName();
contactId = person.getContact().getId();
As you can see in the code above, I am adding the contactName
to the ComboBox
, but I do not know how to add also the contactId
so that I can know later, from the selected entry, which ID must be used to update the database.
There are several ways to approach this : the most flexible here is to configure the combobox to use a named property as a caption.
See Book Of Vaadin on Selecting Items for more details.
// Set the caption mode to read the caption directly
// from the 'name' property of the item
// Add all organization contacts to the drop-down
for (Contact contact : organizationContacts) {
contactName = contact.getName();
contactId = contact.getId();
_logger.debug("Adding contactName=" + contactName + " contactId=" + contactId + " to person with id=" + personId);
// Note : the itemId of the item is the contactId
Item item = contactNameCombo.addItem(contactId);
// Add the contact of this person, and select it in the drop-down
contactName = person.getContact().getName();
contactId = person.getContact().getId();
Item item = contactNameCombo.addItem(contactId);
// Using the itemId (which = contactId) to select the given contact
The solution given by @Charles Anthony didn't work for me either, however on book of vadin webpage (https://vaadin.com/book/-/page/components.selecting.html) I have found the following code:
// Set item caption for this item explicitly
select.addItem(2); // same as "new Integer(2)"
select.setItemCaption(2, "Deimos");
which works for me.
Vaadin 7:
IndexedContainer iContainer = new IndexedContainer();
iContainer.addContainerProperty("courseId", String.class, "");
iContainer.addContainerProperty("courseOptionValue", String.class, "");
String addItemId="";
String addItemCaption="";
for (int i = 0; i < comboItemsArray.length; i++) //String[] comboItemsArray
log.debug("comboItemsArray["+i+"] "+comboItemsArray[i]);
addItemId= comboItemsArray[i];
Item newItem = iContainer.getItem(iContainer.addItem());
ValueChangeListener listener = new Property.ValueChangeListener()
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event)
Property changedProperty = event.getProperty();
Object selectedStatus = (Object) statusSelectCombo.getValue(); //it is get Value but gives object ID as an Object
Item rowItem = statusSelectCombo.getItem(selectedStatus);
final String selectedCourseId = (String) rowItem.getItemProperty("courseId").getValue();
Charles Anthony is absolutely right.
You can also take the advantage of a Container like BeanContainer or BeanItemContainer for example (more information here) to add your contact object to your ComboBox.
You'll need to fill up your container and add it with
to your ComboBox.