What i m trying to do is get the selected ringtone from the user, set an AlarmManager alarm to play that ringtone when the alarm goes Off. but I need to save the ringtone in the database so I can reset all the alarms after phone reboot.
my question is what is the best way to save the ringtone Uri to the database to retrieve later?
I tried the followings:
1) save the ringtone title in the DB and then retrieve it and append it to a default ringtone path. but the issue, is that the ringtone might be loaded from a different location 2) Storing the uri scheme, scheme spefici part and fragment and then call Uri.fromParts to create the Uri. 3) create an inputStream, byte[] array from the Uri and saving it as a blob and then reading it back and cast the result to Uri
none of these works.
Your help is much appreciated.