How to properly test Exceptions with FsUnit

2019-06-16 03:51发布


I'm trying to figure out how to properly test exceptions with FsUnit. Official documentation states, that to test for exceptions I have to right something like this:

(fun () -> failwith "BOOM!" |> ignore) |> should throw typeof<System.Exception>

But, if I don't mark my test method with [<ExpectedException>] attribute it will always fail. Sounds reasonable because if we want to test for exceptions we have to add such attribute in C# + NUnit.

But, as long as I've added this attribute it doesn't matter what kind of exception I'm trying to throw, it will be always handled.

Some snippets: My LogicModule.fs

exception EmptyStringException of string

let getNumber str =
    if str = "" then raise (EmptyStringException("Can not extract number from empty string"))
    else int str

My LogicModuleTest.fs

let``check exception``()=
    (getNumber "") |> should throw typeof<LogicModule.EmptyStringException>


Answer has been found. To test that exception was thrown I should wrap my function call in the next style:

(fun () -> getNumber "" |> ignore) |> should throw typeof<LogicModule.EmptyStringException>

because underneath #fsunit uses NUnit's Throws constraint … which takes a delegate of void, raise returns 'a


If you want to test that a specific exception type is raised by some code, you can add the exception type to the [<ExpectedException>] attribute like so:

[<Test; ExpectedException(typeof<LogicModule.EmptyStringException>)>]
let``check exception`` () : unit =
    (getNumber "")
    |> ignore

More documentation is available on the NUnit site:

标签: f# fsunit