I have searched quite a bit on the subjects of encryption, storing passwords, designing secure PHP scripts etc.
There seems to be a couple of common themes:
- "Don't try and write your own encryptions scripts, use an existing library (eg. PHPass)."
- "Don't create MySQL databases for each user, make one big database and write a good PHP script to manage your users, passwords and their data."
Now, is it me, or do these two not seem a bit conflicting?
Let's take this example. I want to create a website where users can create an account. They can add sensitive info (eg. their home address) which they can then view on the website or edit. This sensitive info should not be public and not be available to any other user of the website. It should be "for the user's eyes only".
There is one single admin who should be able to read the sensitive info (for example to send a letter out to every customer) but of course not be able to read passwords. If deemed necessary this could be done locally, ie. without allowing admin access over the internet.
Every precaution could be taken to use the latest versions, best practices etc. The website could run from a dedicated machine which can be physically safe and not shared with any other task.
So, why not create MySQL users for each user of the site? Why roll your own PHP script to create users and then store this info in a table in a database when MySQL already offers this functionality? What are the actual reasons? Are we thinking that using PHPass (or an alternative) provides "safer" password storage than that built into MySQL?
Is storage inside a MySQL database considered "unsafe". If you had local access to my machine but no admin or root passwords or other user/pass combos for my MySQL database then you're still going to be able to get all the data anyway?
If creating a MySQL user for each user of the website is considered "acceptable", then why not create a new database or table for each user and set the permissions in MySQL so each user can access only their data and nothing else? Of course the admin with local access and root password can read all the info.
So it seems that by design the functionality of creating users and assigning permissions is already built into MySQL, why write a PHP script to do the same thing?
A follow up question.
If this is to work then there would need to be a MySQL user for the PHP script to use to create new users. This would have it's user/pass stored in plaintext, there's no way round this?
Now, ideally this MySQL user would not be able to read/write or do anything to any existing database, but would be able to create a new user, create a new database/table and assign permissions so this new user.
Is this possible?