How to get the last N records in mongodb?

2019-01-01 17:05发布


I can\'t find anywhere it has been documented this. By default, the find() operation will get the records from beginning. How can I get the last N records in mongodb?

Edit: also I want the returned result ordered from less recent to most recent, not the reverse.


If I understand your question, you need to sort in ascending order.

Assuming you have some id or date field called \"x\" you would do ...


The 1 will sort ascending (oldest to newest) and -1 will sort descending (newest to oldest.)

If you use the auto created _id field it has a date embedded in it ... so you can use that to order by ...{_id:1});

That will return back all your documents sorted from oldest to newest.

Natural Order

You can also use a Natural Order mentioned above ...{$natural:1});

Again, using 1 or -1 depending on the order you want.

Use .limit()

Lastly, it\'s good practice to add a limit when doing this sort of wide open query so you could do either ...{_id:1}).limit(50);



The last N added records, from less recent to most recent, can be seen with this query:

db.collection.find().skip(db.collection.count() - N)

If you want them in the reverse order:

db.collection.find().sort({ $natural: -1 }).limit(N)

If you install Mongo-Hacker you can also use:


If you get tired of writing these commands all the time you can create custom functions in your ~/.mongorc.js. E.g.

function last(N) {
    return db.collection.find().skip(db.collection.count() - N);

then from a mongo shell just type last(N)


In order to get last N records you can execute below query:

db.yourcollectionname.find({$query: {}, $orderby: {$natural : -1}}).limit(yournumber)

if you want only one last record:

db.yourcollectionname.findOne({$query: {}, $orderby: {$natural : -1}})

Note: In place of $natural you can use one of the columns from your collection.


you can use sort() , limit() ,skip() to get last N record start from any skipped value

db.collections.find().sort(key:value).limit(int value).skip(some int value);


You can\'t \"skip\" based on the size of the collection, because it will not take the query conditions into account.

The correct solution is to sort from the desired end-point, limit the size of the result set, then adjust the order of the results if necessary.

Here is an example, based on real-world code.

var query = collection.find( { conditions } ).sort({$natural : -1}).limit(N);

query.exec(function(err, results) {
    if (err) { 
    else if (results.length == 0) {
    else {
        results.reverse(); // put the results into the desired order
        results.forEach(function(result) {
            // do something with each result


Look under Querying: Sorting and Natural Order, as well as sort() under Cursor Methods


You may want to be using the find options :

db.collection.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}, skip:2, limit: 18}).fetch();



You can use an aggregation for the latest n entries of a subset of documents in a collection. Here\'s a simplified example without grouping (which you would be doing between stages 4 and 5 in this case).

This returns the latest 20 entries (based on a field called \"timestamp\"), sorted ascending. It then projects each documents _id, timestamp and whatever_field_you_want_to_show into the results.

var pipeline = [
            \"$match\": { //stage 1: filter out a subset
                \"first_field\": \"needs to have this value\",
                \"second_field\": \"needs to be this\"
            \"$sort\": { //stage 2: sort the remainder last-first
                \"timestamp\": -1
            \"$limit\": 20 //stage 3: keep only 20 of the descending order subset
            \"$sort\": {
                \"rt\": 1 //stage 4: sort back to ascending order
            \"$project\": { //stage 5: add any fields you want to show in your results
                \"_id\": 1,
                \"timestamp\" : 1,
                \"whatever_field_you_want_to_show\": 1

yourcollection.aggregate(pipeline, function resultCallBack(err, result) {
  // account for (err)
  // do something with (result)

so, result would look something like:

    \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"5ac5b878a1deg18asdafb060\"),
    \"timestamp\" : \"2018-04-05T05:47:37.045Z\",
    \"whatever_field_you_want_to_show\" : -3.46000003814697
    \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"5ac5b878a1de1adsweafb05f\"),
    \"timestamp\" : \"2018-04-05T05:47:38.187Z\",
    \"whatever_field_you_want_to_show\" : -4.13000011444092

Hope this helps.


db.collection.find().hint( { $natural : -1 } ).sort(field: 1/-1).limit(n)

according to mongoDB Documentation:

You can specify { $natural : 1 } to force the query to perform a forwards collection scan.

You can also specify { $natural : -1 } to force the query to perform a reverse collection scan.


use $slice operator to limit array elements

GeoLocation.find({},{name: 1, geolocation:{$slice: -5}})
    .then((result) => {
    .catch((err) => {
      res.status(500).json({ success: false, msg: `Something went wrong. ${err}` });

where geolocation is array of data, from that we get last 5 record.


Last function should be sort, not limit.

