I've got a .NET Core project (using visual studio and adding the docker files via the Visual Studio Tools for Docker).
My DockerFile
looks like this:
FROM microsoft/dotnet:1.0.1-core
ARG source=.
COPY $source .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MyApp.dll"]
CMD ["arg1", "arg2"]
My question is, how do I pass parameters into the project?
public static void Main(string[] args)
// how does `args` get populated?
I used environment variables which can be set by docker-compse.yml too
public static class EnvironmentHelper
public const string EnvironmentArguments = "DOTNETCORE_ARGUMENTS";
private static string[] _arguments;
public static string[] Arguments
bool argumentsExist = _arguments != null && _arguments.Any();
if (!argumentsExist)
IDictionary environmentVariables = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
if (!environmentVariables.Contains(EnvironmentArguments))
throw new Exception("Environment Arguments do not exist");
var argumentsHolder = environmentVariables[EnvironmentArguments] as string;
const char argumentSeparator = ' ';
_arguments = argumentsHolder?.Split(argumentSeparator);
return _arguments;
You can do this with a combination of ENTRYPOINT
to set the command, and CMD
to set default options.
Example, for an ASP.NET Core app:
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "app.dll"]
CMD ["argument"]
If you run the container with no command, it will execute this command when the container starts:
dotnet app.dll argument
And the args
array will have one entry, "argument". But you can pass a command o docker run
to override the CMD
docker run app arg1 arg2
One approach would be to read in environment variables. You would not modify your Dockerfile to do this. Rather, say you run up your container as follows:
$ FOO="bar"
$ docker run -e FOO=$FOO devlife/myapp
All you now need to figure out is how to read the FOO environment variable in your dotnetcore application. I would try the approach documented here: ASP .NET Core read environment variables
VS Tools for Docker appear to silently override CMD and ENTRYPOINT arguments. Please see How to pass command line when debugging docker-compose project in Visual Studio? and https://github.com/Microsoft/DockerTools/issues/75