I have a windows service which is communicating with a gui application via named pipes. Therefor i have a thread running waiting for the app to connect which is running fine if i do it once. But if the thread is creating a new instance of the named pipe stream server the already established connection breaks down and i get the all instances busy exception. The code fragment where the exception is thrown is this:
class PipeStreamWriter : TextWriter
static NamedPipeServerStream _output = null;
static StreamWriter _writer = null;
static Thread myThread = null;
public PipeStreamWriter()
if (myThread == null)
ThreadStart newThread = new ThreadStart(delegate{WaitForPipeClient();});
myThread = new Thread(newThread);
public static void WaitForPipeClient()
while (true)
NamedPipeServerStream ps = new NamedPipeServerStream("mytestp");
_output = ps;
_writer = new StreamWriter(_output);
The exception is thrown when creating the new pipe server stream NamedPipeServerStream ps = new NamedPipeServerStream("mytestp")
the second time.
I found the answer and it works when the max number of server instances is specified
NamedPipeServerStream ps = new NamedPipeServerStream("mytestp",PipeDirection.Out,10);
The default value for this seems to be -1. Which leads to another but not that important question: Someone knows why it is -1 and not 1 when it behaves like beeing 1?