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What are the Alternatives to eval in JavaScript?
8 answers
I work mainly with javascript, Jquery, knockout, etc
The thing that attracted eval() to me is
var a = 5;
var b = 10;
//Gives me output 15
Note: I work in cases where the value of a
and b
changes dynamically
In my work I'm dealing with a lot of dynamic objects from json, knockout, etc. So eval solves most of my problems.
But as I read I found there are so many issues with eval() like slowing down etc.
I searched a lot and haven't found any substitute for eval() when i have to evaluate equation obtaining as string into equation as object.
Can anyone suggest a plugin or function alternative to eval() keeping in mind the example i have given above
I'm creating a Table from Json data using knockout mapping. So that what ever the format of json is the table is generated. I also calculate some field using knockout computed.
Right now I use hard-coded
self.Salary = ko.computed(function(){ return self.salaryEqn() && eval(self.salaryEqn()).toFixed(2); })
I want to execute these equations dynamic. I can create it dynamicaly as string but to eval them is the issue I'm facing.
I want solution for
Is there a way to calculate a formula stored in a string in JavaScript without using eval?
Like a formula
"self.Salary = ko.computed(function(){ return self.salaryEqn() && eval(self.salaryEqn()).toFixed(2); })"
Javascript is a very flexible language in this regard. There are very very few cases where eval()
is the right answer to any given question, and it certainly isn't necessary here.
If your a
and b
variables are part of an object, you can access them with string subscripts:
ie myobj.a
could also be referenced as myobj['a']
From that, you can use a variable for the subscript, and thus you can reference any element in myobj
dynamically -- ie:
var myobj = {a : 5, b : 10};
var dynamicProperty1 = 'a';
var dynamicProperty2 = 'b';
//gives 15.
alert( myobj[dynamicProperty1] + myobj[dynamicProperty2] );
No eval()
required. You can build the dynamicProperty
strings however you wish, so there's virtually infinite flexibility.
If your a
and b
variables are globals, JS globals in the browser are actually children of the window
object, so you can still use this technique even with globals.
ie your global variable a
could also be accessed via window.a
or window['a']
, with the latter option allowing you to do the same dynamicProperty
trick described above.
Hope that helps.
maybe using window['var' + num]
might be more useful for you. i don't quite understand your question sorry.
do you mean that you want to calculate an equation that you can't know until you've received it?
if so see Calculate string value in javascript, not using eval .
in short:
eval CAN be used sometimes, but only if the equation string comes from a trusted source, and there you need something like evaluating dynamic equations.
If you can collect them under an object like root = {a: 1, b: 2}
, then
Object.observe(root, function(newValues) {
res = newValues.object.a + newValues.object.b;
can keep your res
variable up to date whenever the a
or b
It looks like you are trying to do dynamic equations created by a user.
For example it could be 'a+b+c' or 'dog+cat', and you don't know.
The best way to handle user-input equations like that is to parse the text into tokens and then translate the tokens into values/operands.
That's a lot of work, but there are pre-rolled solutions. For example, math.js
Check more alternatives to eval
in this question and another one here which both might be considered a duplicate...
I understand this is a link only answer, but it will for sure be helpful to others searching for alteratives to eval