Trying to use to connect to a websocket server that is written in Go. I've successfully connected using the node WebSocket library (npm). So the working Websocket code looks like:
goSocketPort = 6060
url = "ws://localhost:#{goSocketPort}/streamresults/"
ws = new WebSocket(url)
ws.on('open', ->
log "socket opened"
ws.on('message', (message) ->
console.log('received: %s', message)
#log "Socket message: #{JSON.stringify message}"
Pretty easy and it works -- the socket on the other end sends messages on a set frequency. But I initially tried with
(npm) and just couldn't get it to go. It certainly lists websocket as its first-preference transport, but damn if I can get it to connect:
socket = ioClient.connect("#{url}", {port: goSocketPort, transports: ['xhr-polling', 'websocket']})
socket.on("connect", (r) ->
log "connected to #{url}"
The connection never happens, so none of the on
events are fired and the code exits right away. I've tried: leaving the port off the url and adding it in the options, leaving off the transports option (which means "all" according to the docs) and using an http url. Is socket-io.client
not capable of connecting to a "standard" websocket?