I'm trying to obtain a value from another file and use this within a SLURM submission script. However, I get an error that the value is non-numerical, in other words, it is not being dereferenced.
Here is the script:
# This reads out the number of procs based on the decomposeParDict
numProcs=`awk '/numberOfSubdomains/ {print $2}' ./meshModel/decomposeParDict`
echo "NumProcs = $numProcs"
#SBATCH --job-name=SnappyHexMesh
#SBATCH --output=./logs/SnappyHexMesh.log
#SBATCH --ntasks=`$numProcs`
#SBATCH --time=240:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000
#First run blockMesh
#Now decompose the mesh
#Now run snappy in parallel
mpirun -np $numProcs snappyHexMesh -parallel -overwrite
When I run this as a normal Bash shell script, it prints out the number of procs correctly and makes the correct mpirun
call. Thus the awk
command parses out the number of procs correctly and the variable is dereferenced as expected.
However, when I submit this to SLURM using:
sbatch myScript.sh
I get the error:
sbatch: error: Invalid numeric value "`$numProcs`" for number of tasks.
Can anyone help with this?