
Use reselect selector with parameters

2019-06-15 05:38发布


How do I pass additional parameters to combined selectors? I am trying to

• Get data

• Filter data

• Add custom value to my data set / group data by myValue

export const allData = state => state.dataTable
export const filterText = state => state.filter.get('text')

export const selectAllData = createSelector(
  (data) => data

export const selectAllDataFiltered = createSelector(
  [ selectAllData, filterText ],
  (data, text) => {
    return data.filter(item => {
      return item.name === text

export const selectWithValue = createSelector(
  [ selectAllDataFiltered ],
  (data, myValue) => {
    return data

let data = selectWithValue(state, 'myValue')

console.log(myValue) returns undefined


The answer to your questions is detailed in an FAQ here: https://github.com/reactjs/reselect#q-how-do-i-create-a-selector-that-takes-an-argument

In short, reselect doesn't support arbitrary arguments passed to selectors. The recommended approach is, instead of passing an argument, store that same data in your Redux state.


what about returning a function from selector? getFilteredToDos is an example for that

// redux part
const state = {
  todos: [
    { state: 'done',     text: 'foo' },
    { state: 'time out', text: 'bar' },

// selector for todos
const getToDos = createSelector(
  (state) => state.todos,

// selector for filtered todos
const getFilteredToDos = createSelector(
  (todos) => (todoState) => todos.filter((toDo) => toDo.state === todoState);

// and in component
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
  doneToDos: getFilteredToDos()('done')


Another option:

const parameterizedSelector = (state, someParam) => createSelector(
  (otherSelectorResult) => someParam + otherSelectorResult

And then use like

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  parameterizedSelectorResult: parameterizedSelector(state, 'hello')

I am not sure about memoization/performance in this case though, but it works.