I am trying to add and remove elements from multiple xml files. i ran into two issue. it removed empty elements automatically and second it did not remove what i wanted to
I have my xml like this
what i want is
i added newItemtoAdd element and removed itemToRemove on output xml above.
with the current script i have used what i get is this
emptyItem node is removed which i do not want to happen, newItemtoAdd is added which is good, and itemToRemove node is not removed which is not what i want
here is my script
Get-ChildItem D:\Projects\*.xml |
% {
[xml]$xml = [xml](Get-Content $_.fullname)
$newItemtoAdd = $xml.CreateElement('newItemtoAdd')
$newItemtoAdd.PsBase.InnerText = '1900-01-01'
$null = $xml.Entity.App.AppendChild($newItemtoAdd)
$xml.SelectNodes("//Entity/App/person") | ? {
$_.name -eq "itemToRemove" } | % {$_.ParentNode.RemoveChildNode($_) }