I am facing a weird error in my code while using HAML where my code is working on my Local Machine but when I am deploying it I am getting the following error
ActionView::Template::Error (Illegal nesting: nesting within plain text is illegal.):
My code looks like this
%td{ :style => 'width:10px' }
= link_to('Dashboard', dashboard_admin_clients_account_path(client)) if client.is_member?
= link_to('Edit', edit_admin_clients_account_path(client))
- if client.removed_at.nil?
= link_to('Delete', admin_clients_account_path(client), :method => :delete, :confirm => 'Are you sure you want to delete')
- else
= link_to('Restore', restore_admin_clients_account_path(client))
I am new to HAML
- If you want your links to be inside the %td, they should be 1 tab righter (td - 0 tab, links - 1 tabs from the left side)
- you should use the same method to make indents (for example always use tab instad of spaces).
- it looks like the problem is not in this code. Is it partitial or part of some other code?
Because 'illegal nesting' usually happens when you do like this:
%td{ :style => 'width:10px' }
=link_to ....
Try this code:
%td{ :style => 'width:10px' }
= link_to('Dashboard', dashboard_admin_clients_account_path(client)) if client.is_member?
= link_to('Edit', edit_admin_clients_account_path(client))
- if client.removed_at.nil?
= link_to('Delete', admin_clients_account_path(client), :method => :delete, :confirm => 'Are you sure you want to delete')
- else
= link_to('Restore', restore_admin_clients_account_path(client))