I want to compare two xml strings in a test, but the test keeps failing due to whitespace.
public void testForEquality() throws Exception {
String myControlXML = "<msg><uuid>0x00435A8C</uuid></msg>";
String myTestXML = "<msg><uuid>0x00435A8C</uuid> </msg>";
assertXMLEqual(myControlXML, myTestXML);
Diff diff = new Diff(myControlXML, myTestXML);
Yes, XMLUnit can ignore whitespaces. See API documentation for details. You can enable it by setting:
The API has changed with XMLUnit 2.x.
Now, for unit tests, you can ignore whitespace with a hamcrest matcher like so:
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.xmlunit.matchers.CompareMatcher.isIdenticalTo;
assertThat(actual, isIdenticalTo(expected).ignoreWhitespace());
Or alternatively, with the builder API directly:
import org.xmlunit.builder.DiffBuilder;
boolean areDifferent = DiffBuilder.compare(left).withTest(right)