
Is it possible to do static partial classes?

2019-06-14 20:56发布


I want to take a class I have and split it up into several little classes so it becomes easier to maintain and read. But this class that I try to split using partial is a static class.

I saw in an example on Stackoverflow that this was possible to do but when I do it, it keeps telling me that I cannot derive from a static class as static classes must derive from object.

So I have this setup:

public static class Facade
    // A few general methods that other partial facades will use

public static partial class MachineFacade : Facade
    // Methods that are specifically for Machine Queries in our Database

Any pointers? I want the Facade class to be static so that I don't have to initialize it before use.


Keep naming and modifiers consistent across files:

public static partial class Facade
    // A few general methods that other partial facades will use

public static partial class Facade
    // Methods that are specifically for Machine Queries in our Database


The problem is not that the class is a partial class. The problem is that you try to derive a static class from another one. There is no point in deriving a static class because you could not make use Polymorphism and other reasons for inheritance.

If you want to define a partial class, create the class with the same name and access modifier.


You can not inherit a static class.

Static classes are sealed and therefore cannot be inherited. They cannot inherit from any class except Object.


you do not need to override anything, just give them the same name:

public static partial class Facade
    // this is the 1st part/file

public static partial class Facade
    // this is the 2nd part/file


C# doesn't support inheritance from a static class.

You have to choose between your classes being static:

public static class Facade
    // A few general methods that other partial facades will use

public static partial class MachineFacade
    // Methods that are specifically for Machine Queries in our Database

...or whether you wish MachineFacade to derive from Facade:

public class Facade
    // A few general methods that other partial facades will use

public partial class MachineFacade : Facade
    // Methods that are specifically for Machine Queries in our Database