I've array of objects oDataSet
and aProperties
object and I want to match the identical values that are found in aPropertis
and and In oDataSet
and create the aSelectedDataSet which in beginning is an empty object
How it's recommend to do it in JS/Jquery
Note: there shouldnt be any hardcoded property in the loops/solution to do the match
the aProperties is contain this value but it can be change (and of course there should be match in the oData object...)
For clarification Following is example how the objects is built
This is the input
//This is given array of object which can be many ,here I put just two instance in the array for demonstration purpose
var oDataSet = [{
__metadata: {
aaa: 111,
bbb: 222
to_ExcludedTerms: {results: []},
to_ListTypeGroupAssignment: {
results: [
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 1',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup1',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 1',
ParentKey: '8ae25d47-c3cc-4ee3-a040-ea00505692111',
__metadata: {}
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 2',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup2',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 2',
ParentKey: '34bcdc74-ab42-4538-8657-0a2b0473fcb7',
__metadata: {}
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 3',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup3',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 3',
ParentKey: '34bcdc74-ab42-4538-8657-0a2b0473fcb5',
__metadata: {}
}, {
//This is the second instance of the object with same keys but different values
__metadata: {
aaa: 333,
bbb: 444
to_ExcludedTerms: {results: []},
to_ListTypeGroupAssignment: {
results: [
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 6',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup6',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 6',
ParentKey: '8ae25d47-c3cc-4ee3-a040-ea00505692116',
__metadata: {}
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 7',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup7',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 7',
ParentKey: '34bcdc74-ab42-4538-8657-0a2b0473fcb7',
__metadata: {}
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 8',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup8',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 8',
ParentKey: '34bcdc74-ab42-4538-8657-0a2b0473fcb8',
__metadata: {}
//This is the values which I should search find in oDataSet
//The to_ListTypeGroupAssignment or other property which under the same structure
//should be with the following path but under the results which is the only
//hardcoded property
var aProperties = [
This is the output
This is example of the output which should be build from the merge of both objects in the input above
var aSelectedDataSet = [
__metadata: {
aaa: 111,
bbb: 222
to_ListTypeGroupAssignment: {
results: [
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup1',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 1'
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup2',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 2',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup3',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 3',
__metadata: {
aaa: 333,
bbb: 444
to_ListTypeGroupAssignment: {
results: [
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup1',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 1'
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup2',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 2',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup3',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 3',
just to clarify from the comments below :)
The only thing that can be hard-coded is the results
Not any property name like ListTypeGroup& ListTypeGroupDescription
This should be generic and read from aProperties
The structure of you look at the oData should be like following
property(like -> to_ListTypeGroupAssignmen)
results(hardcoded & mandatory in every exist object)
properties(like ListTypeGroup& ListTypeGroupDescription with there values)
If I need to make it more clear please let me know How,which additional info I should add...This is after I update the question as much as possible...
You could use this recursive, pure JavaScript function:
The snippet below applies this function to the example data you provided and returns the required result:
function extract(data, select, curpath) {
var result = {};
// Part of the path that has been traversed to get to data:
curpath = curpath || '';
if (typeof data !== 'object') { // data is a primitive (we assume)
return data;
if (typeof data.slice === 'function') { // data is an Array
return data.map(function (el, idx) {
return extract(el, select, curpath); // same path!
// data is an Object:
// The specific case of the "__metadata" property
if (data.__metadata !== undefined && curpath.length === 0) {
result.__metadata = data.__metadata;
// Core of this algorithm: take the relevant paths only...
var subselect = select.filter(function(path) {
return (path+'/').indexOf(curpath) == 0;
subselect.forEach(function (path, _, subselect) {
// then get the next property in such path...
var prop = path.substr(curpath.length).split('/')[0];
// and check if we have that property on the current object:
if (data[prop] !== undefined) {
// If so, recurse while adding this to the current path:
result[prop] = extract(data[prop], subselect, curpath+prop+'/');
// The specific case of the "results" property
if (data.results !== undefined) { // recurse with same path!
result.results = extract(data.results, select, curpath);
return result;
// Test data
var oDataSet = [{
__metadata: {
aaa: 111,
bbb: 222
to_ExcludedTerms: {results: []},
to_ListTypeGroupAssignment: {
results: [
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 1',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup1',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 1',
ParentKey: '8ae25d47-c3cc-4ee3-a040-ea00505692111',
__metadata: {}
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 2',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup2',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 2',
ParentKey: '34bcdc74-ab42-4538-8657-0a2b0473fcb7',
__metadata: {}
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 3',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup3',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 3',
ParentKey: '34bcdc74-ab42-4538-8657-0a2b0473fcb5',
__metadata: {}
}, {
__metadata: {
aaa: 333,
bbb: 444
to_ExcludedTerms: {results: []},
to_ListTypeGroupAssignment: {
results: [
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 6',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup6',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 6',
ParentKey: '8ae25d47-c3cc-4ee3-a040-ea00505692116',
__metadata: {}
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 7',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup7',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 7',
ParentKey: '34bcdc74-ab42-4538-8657-0a2b0473fcb7',
__metadata: {}
AuthorisationGroup: 'AuthorisationGroup 8',
ListTypeGroup: 'ListTypeGroup8',
ListTypeGroupDescription: 'ListTypeGroupDescription 8',
ParentKey: '34bcdc74-ab42-4538-8657-0a2b0473fcb8',
__metadata: {}
var aProperties = [
// (End of sample data)
// Call the function to get the result:
var aSelectedDataSet = extract(oDataSet, aProperties);
// For this snippet only: output the result in readable format
document.write('<pre>'+JSON.stringify(aSelectedDataSet, 0, 4)+'</pre>');
Explanation of the algorithm:
The code is commented. This is how the algorithm works:
- The function is recursive and takes the current data, which will be just a sub section of the original data once the function is called recursively.
- The function also takes the path-style properties to select. Also this list will be shorter as the function is called recursively, so it only has those entries that are still relevant to the data section.
- The third argument is the path that has already been traversed. At the initial call this is just the empty string, but as the recursion kicks in, it will become 'to_ListTypeGroupAssignment/', and later even 'to_ListTypeGroupAssignment/ListTypeGroup/' (always with terminating slash).
- Each call of the function will return a part of the given data that matches the (path-style) selection.
- The function starts by identifying the type of the data: whether it is a primitive value (a string, number, boolean), or an array (which is the case at the initial call), or an (non-array) object.
- If it is an array, the function is just called recursively for each element without adding anything to the path. The result of each call is then stored in an array, which becomes the return value.
- If it is a primitive value, it means we recursed to a "leaf" in the "tree". And since we got here, we may assume the "path" was matching up until this point, and so the primitive value must be returned so it can be added to the result
- It it is an object, the select paths are traversed to see if the next level in those paths matches with an object property of the current data. If so, that property value is passed via a recursive call, while also adding that piece of the path to the "current" path
There are obviously the exceptions for __metadata
and results
, which are treated separately in the code.
One of the short solutions will be with lodash. It has _.assignInWith(object, sources, [customizer])
function, using that you are going have the following:
var customizer = function(key) { return key in aPropertis }
var newSet = _.assignInWith({} , oDataSet, customizer)
However it is going to work only for first level properties.
Not the most elegant way, but works.
JSFiddle Link
Compared nested structure and removed the keys which were not required.
1. __metadata
is hardcoded
2. results
is hardcoded
Your desired output is different then what is generated, difference is
Your output:
aSelectedDataSet[2].to_ListTypeGroupAssignment.results[1].ListTypeGroupDescription === 1
Whereas in the generated output it is:
aSelectedDataSet[2].to_ListTypeGroupAssignment.results[1].ListTypeGroupDescription === 6
I think, it was a typo in your question.
var convertPropertyRelation = function(propertiesArray) {
if (!Array.isArray(propertiesArray))
return [];
var formattedProperties = {},
i, len = propertiesArray.length,
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
currentRelation = propertiesArray[i].split('/');
if (formattedProperties.hasOwnProperty(currentRelation[0])) {
} else {
formattedProperties[currentRelation[0]] = [currentRelation[1]];
return formattedProperties;
var generateDataSet = function() {
var formattedProperties = convertPropertyRelation(aProperties),
firstRelation = Object.keys(formattedProperties),
i, len = firstRelation.length,
j, resultArray, resultLength;
var dataSet = oDataSet.map(function(dataSetObject) {
for (var firstKey in dataSetObject) {
if (firstKey === '__metadata') {
} else if (firstRelation.indexOf(firstKey) === -1) {
delete dataSetObject[firstKey];
} else {
// if first relation is present
if (dataSetObject.hasOwnProperty(firstKey)) {
// results array in the firstRelation
resultArray = dataSetObject[firstKey].results;
// for all results
for (j = 0, resultLength = resultArray.length; j < resultLength; j++) {
// for all keys in current result
for (var respectiveKey in resultArray[j]) {
// if the key is present leave it as it is
if (formattedProperties[firstKey].indexOf(respectiveKey) === -1) {
delete resultArray[j][respectiveKey];
return dataSetObject;
return dataSet;
You will have to compare each property of oDataSet to each property of aSelectedDataSet
var res=[];
for (var key1 in oDataSet){
for(var key2 in aSelectedDataSet ){
If you define filter like so
var filter={
and apply it to data with recursion
function recursiveValue(filter,data){
var res={};
for(var key in filter){
var val=data[key];
var p=filter[key];
if(val==='undefined') continue;
res[key] = val;
}else if(Array.isArray(p)){
var tmp = [];
for(var i=0;i<val.length;i++){
res[key] = tmp;
}else if(typeof p=='object'){
res[key] = recursiveValue(filter[key],val);
return res;
like so
var results=[];
for(var i=0;i<oDataSet.length;i++){
you get
You could tackle this using functional programming techiniques made available by ES5. Try this fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/yh39of1b/3/
var aProperties = [
//maps the properties you wish to capture
var propertyList = aProperties.map(function(properties) {
return properties.split('/');
//reduces the oData array to the data you require
aSelectedDataSet = oData.reduce(function(existing,current){
var obj = {};
//each iteration of oData goes through each property group
//first at the parent property level
if (typeof obj[property[0]] === 'undefined') {
obj[property[0]] = {};
obj[property[0]].results = [];
if(current[property[0]]) {
//now at the child property level
if(typeof obj[property[0]].results[index] === 'undefined')
obj[property[0]].results[index] = {};
obj[property[0]].results[index][property[1]] = result[property[1]];
//add the newly mapped object to the aSelectedDataSet array
return existing;