I have a Conrec nightmare. I am trying to implement contour lines in ActionScript using Conrec. I have looked at both the java and javascript implementation and am still stuck. These are found here: http://paulbourke.net/papers/conrec/
Conrec will take grid data and assemble continuous contour lines. The problem is that it does not necessarily draw those lines in a continuous fashion. For example, it will draw A->B and then C->B and then C->D instead of A, B, C, D, etc.
The javascript implementation seems to be accounting for this and serializing the instructions into an array of draw points. Which is what I too want to accomplish in the end. That is it takes the instructions from the core Conrec logic (eg: A->B, C->B, C->D, etc) and organizes it into an A, B, C, D series. I think it will also return the series as a multi-dimensional array to accommodate broken lines (eg: [[A, B, C, D], [E, F, G]]). This last functionality is what I need to do in Actionscript.
This last part is where I am stuck. Ignore Conrec for now (I have given up on finding an Actionscript implementation), how can I organize these instructions into a collection of serial points? When Conrec gives me "draw point from X->Y" how can I first check if X or Y are already in a series and append either X or Y (whichever is not in the series) into the series? AND if neither are in the series, start a NEW series with X, Y as the starting set. Then check subsequent instructions against all existing series and connect series if they now start and stop on the same point? Also, I need to be able to allow for a series to close itself (eg: A, B, C, A) -- a loop (is that even possible?!).
I hope this makes sense. I'm not sure if there is a technical term for what I want to do beyond "concatenation". I also hope someone out there has done this with Conrec and can give me some pointers.
In the meantime, I am going to continue to plug away at this and see if I can come up with something but I am not confident in my abilities. I would really be thankful for some veteran or professional advice.
If you know another way to draw contour lines from grid data, I am open to alternatives. But I have to be able to implement it in Actionscript.
Ok, here is my first attempt at getting what I need done. I am not terribly happy with the result, but it seems to work.
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class lineSeriesPointConcat extends Sprite {
public function lineSeriesPointConcat() {
//directions [X -> Y]
//case 1: both counterclockwise, result is counterclockwise
private var case1:Array = [
["G1", "F1"],
["F1", "E1"],
["D1", "C1"],
["C1", "B1"],
["B1", "A1"],
["E1", "D1"], //link
["G1", "A1"] //loop
//case 2: clockwise, counterclockwise, result is clockwise
private var case2:Array = [
["E2", "F2"],
["F2", "G2"],
["D2", "C2"],
["C2", "B2"],
["B2", "A2"],
["E2", "D2"], //link
["G2", "A2"] //loop
//case 3: both clockwise, result is clockwise
private var case3:Array = [
["E3", "F3"],
["F3", "G3"],
["A3", "B3"],
["B3", "C3"],
["C3", "D3"],
["E3", "D3"], //link
["G3", "A3"] //loop
//case 4: counterclockwise, clockwise, result is clockwise
private var case4:Array = [
["G4", "F4"],
["F4", "E4"],
["A4", "B4"],
["B4", "C4"],
["C4", "D4"],
["E4", "D4"], //link
["G4", "A4"] //loop
private var collectedSeries:Array = [];
private function init():void {
var directions:Array = case1.concat(case2.concat(case3.concat(case4)));
for each (var direction:Array in directions) {
connect(direction[0], direction[1]);
trace ("final series:\n\t" + collectedSeries.join("\n\t"));
private function connect(from:String, to:String):void {
var series:Array;
var seriesStart:String;
var seriesEnd:String;
var seriesIndex:int;
var n:int = collectedSeries.length;
var i:int;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
series = collectedSeries[i];
seriesStart = series[0];
seriesEnd = series[series.length - 1];
if (seriesStart == to) {
seriesStart = from;
} else if (seriesStart == from) {
seriesStart = to;
} else if (seriesEnd == to) {
seriesEnd = from;
} else if (seriesEnd == from) {
seriesEnd = to;
if (i == n) {
//this is a new series segment
series = [from, to];
seriesStart = from;
seriesEnd = to;
for (var j:int = 0; j < n; j++) {
var compareSeries:Array = collectedSeries[j];
if (compareSeries == series) {
//don't compare the series to itself.
var compSeriesStart:String = compareSeries[0];
var compSeriesEnd:String = compareSeries[compareSeries.length - 1];
if (compSeriesStart == compSeriesEnd) {
//this series loops on itself, it will not concatenate further
if (compSeriesStart == seriesEnd) {
trace ("case 1");
series = series.concat(compareSeries.slice(1));
} else if (compSeriesStart == seriesStart) {
trace ("case 2");
series = compareSeries.reverse().concat(series.slice(1));
} else if (compSeriesEnd == seriesStart) {
trace ("case 3");
series = compareSeries.concat(series.slice(1));
} else if (compSeriesEnd == seriesEnd) {
trace ("case 4");
series = compareSeries.concat(series.reverse().slice(1));
} else {
//no linkage between these two series
collectedSeries[i] = series; //replace one of the two segements
collectedSeries.splice(j, 1); //splice out the other
trace ("series: " + series + (i == n ? " new" : ""));
This will give the following results:
I would still really appreciate any advice/feedback I can get. Does no one use Conrec?!
Edit: woops! I had a bug with the original splice()! sorry! fixed now
I just ported ConRec to Actionscript3 and seems to work fine, I haven't tested it thoroughly,
but it draws my contours the way I expect. Try it out if you will, I'm curious if it's a correct port. it's here:
Ok, so there may be a much better alternative for Flash. I just found this link and it looks impressive. If this works, it obviates the original problem...
isolining package for ActionScript 3