Forgot Password script PHP mysqli

2019-06-14 17:43发布


Hi I am trying to make a script forgot password so when user enter email in it it will verify that if entered email matches the database email if yes then sends confirmation email to his email address. It was working fine untill I was using mysql but after converting it to mysqli it not working. When user enter email in it it does't send email or even it doesn't echo that email sent or no errors.

Here is my Forgot.php script (UPDATED SCRIPT AGAIN)

    if($_POST['submit']=='Send') {
        //keep it inside

        // Check connection
        if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
        $query = mysqli_query($con,"select * from login where user_email='$email'") or die(mysqli_error($con)); 

        $numrows = $query->num_rows();                                  

        if ($numrows == 1) {  
            $message='You activation link is:$email&code=$code';
            mail($email, "Subject Goes Here", $message);
            echo 'Email sent';
        } else {
            echo 'No user exist with this email id';
<form action="forgot.php" method="post">
    Enter you email ID: <input type="text" name="email">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send">


I think u should use mysqli_num_rows ($query) method inside your if condition to check if email exist or not.

for example:

if (mysqli_num_rows ($query)==1)
//your mail method


If I see it correctly then $_GET['ID'] is not set, because you submit the form to forgot.php without a GET value named ID


I tried to fix this using a test in my website and your codes should be like this even that there are a lot of bugs and your database can easily get 'hacked' by anonymous users still just to show the problem. Forgot.php

    if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
        $email = $_POST['email'];
        $code = rand(100,999);
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE email = '$email'";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
        $count = mysql_num_rows($result);

        if ($count == 1) {
            mysql_query("update users set activation_code='$code' where email='$email'");
            //That Mail code should be put here    <----------------------
        } else {
        echo " Something Here for a response";

<form action="" method="post">
    Enter you email ID: <input type="text" name="email">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send">

This worked after I tested :/