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Use Unity API from another Thread or call a function in the main Thread
4 answers
I'm having trouble with a UnityEngine version. (Can't upgrade, game is not mine)
The server RANDOMLY crashes when a specific UnityEngine method is used in a timer/thread (It was fixed in a version, I read It)
It happens totally random, I get a crash log, that starts from the timer/thread and ends at a UnityEngine method. (This never happens when I use It in the main thread)
My question is that Is It possible somehow to call the method from the main thread if the current thread != with the main thread?
Any help is appreciated
This Loom class is able to call the specific method from the Main thread, this is how you do It:
public class Loom : MonoBehaviour
public static int maxThreads = 10;
static int numThreads;
private static Loom _current;
private int _count;
public static Loom Current
return _current;
public void Awake()
_current = this;
initialized = true;
static bool initialized;
static void Initialize()
if (!initialized)
if (!Application.isPlaying)
initialized = true;
var g = new GameObject("Loom");
_current = g.AddComponent<Loom>();
private List<Action> _actions = new List<Action>();
public struct DelayedQueueItem
public float time;
public Action action;
private List<DelayedQueueItem> _delayed = new List<DelayedQueueItem>();
List<DelayedQueueItem> _currentDelayed = new List<DelayedQueueItem>();
public static void QueueOnMainThread(Action action)
QueueOnMainThread(action, 0f);
public static void QueueOnMainThread(Action action, float time)
if (time != 0)
lock (Current._delayed)
Current._delayed.Add(new DelayedQueueItem { time = Time.time + time, action = action });
lock (Current._actions)
public static Thread RunAsync(Action a)
while (numThreads >= maxThreads)
Interlocked.Increment(ref numThreads);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(RunAction, a);
return null;
private static void RunAction(object action)
Interlocked.Decrement(ref numThreads);
public void OnDisable()
if (_current == this)
_current = null;
// Use this for initialization
public void Start()
List<Action> _currentActions = new List<Action>();
// Update is called once per frame
public void Update()
lock (_actions)
foreach (var a in _currentActions)
lock (_delayed)
_currentDelayed.AddRange(_delayed.Where(d => d.time <= Time.time));
foreach (var item in _currentDelayed)
foreach (var delayed in _currentDelayed)
public void Call()
if (Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId != TestClass.MainThread.ManagedThreadId)
Loom.QueueOnMainThread(() => {