I was trying to create a report from master database in analytics reports. (Stimulsoft Report Designer) As it explains in the reports cookbook, I have created a "mrt file" (Report UI) and a report definition item in Engagement analytics. I have configured the datasource item as query item (/sitecore/system/Settings/Analytics/Reports SQL Queries/Visit Pages). It worked.
But then I tried with a query using the master database, in the SQL query item I specifically mentioned the database as 'testProjectMaster' to point to master database. It did not work!
Then I figured out that in "/sitecore/system/Settings/Analytics/Reports SQL Queries/Visit Pages" item and other query items, it does not specify the database, that means by default sitecore queries the analytics database.
Is this a limitaion in sitecore, cant we query the master databse for reports? Are there any good resources to follow on creating reports?