Currently, I am working on a Wordpress application and I am using AWS hosting. My domain is in and I have deployed the application in elastic beanstalk. I have created load balancer and also I need to run the application through HTTPS.
I have done my research and I think I found the right way, but it's not working for HTTPS. when I browse on HTTP on port 80, it runs well. Now I am helpless.
Here's what I have done so far:
1) I created a hosted zone on AWS Route 53 for the domain named "". There are two records are created, NS and SOA.
2) Then, in GoDaddy, I added NS records from AWS as Custom Nameservers.
3) After that, I created A record for the domain in the AWS hosted zone, set ALIAS targeted to the Load Balancer of the Elastic Beanstalk environment.
4) Then, I changed the SITE URL from the wp_options table the wordpress application database.
After doing up to this, my application was running in HTTP. But as I want to change it to HTTPS. So,
1) I requested a certificate from AWS Certificate Manager and created CNAME (provided by ACM after requesting certificate) record in the hosted zone.
2) After the certificate is issued, I edited the listener from EC2 >> Load Balancer >> Listener
and changed the protocol from HTTP to HTTPS and also allowed port on Security groups.
3) Also, I changed, the SITE URL from WordPress database and changed it from "" to "" but it was not working.
4) So I went to Elastic Beanstalk >> Configuration >> Load Balancer
and added listener. After the environment is saved and restarted, still, the site was not running on HTTPS [ HTTP 408 ERROR IS SHOWN ]. But if I change SITE URL to "", it works
I have found a solution, which says to use RedirectURL and set it to server config but I don't want to do that.
I also found this solution which suggest to Export Zone File and import it to AWS hosted zone. But whenever I click Export Zone File(Unix), the file downloaded is shown empty. I tried this for other accounts, still, this problem exists. So I did not do that.
Sorry for the long story, but I really need this help.