I have two modules. I want the modules to be interdependent while doing insmod or rmmod. Currently, my module2 is dependent on module1. If I insert module1 then module2, it works fine. On the other hand, the reverse of it doesn't work. This is logical in explanation. However, I want a neat code to avoid such dependencies. If I do insmod of mod2 then mod1 should automatically be insmod, Or some other decent way to tackle this issue. Here are my two modules.
static int multiplyMod1(int a, int b);
/** Once the symbol is exported, check in /proc/kallsyms **/
/** Call multiplyMod1 from other module **/
/** Ensure that this symbol doesn't exist somewhere **/
static int multiplyMod1(int a, int b)
return a*b;
static int mod1_init(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Hello mod1..Init\n");
return 0;
static void mod1_exit(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Goodbye..mod1\n");
The makefile -
obj-m += mod1.o
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules modules_install
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
Here is my second module. This is dependent on the module 1.
/** Ensure that the mod1 is insmod so that multiplyMod1 symbol is available **/
extern int multiplyMod1(int,int);
static int mod2_init(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Hello mod2..Init\r\n");
printk(KERN_ALERT "The Multiplication result from Mod2 is..%d\r\n",multiplyMod1(49,7));
return 0;
static void mod2_exit(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Goodbye..mod2\r\n");