I am looking for some help on how to dockerize user sessions in Linux. What I am looking for is how would I make it so when someone ssh's into an account and does anything, when they exit anything they did isn't saved; it's how I have it set up next time someone else ssh's into it.
It's for a CTF event I've been tasked with setting up and with really no knowledge of most of what I have to do this whole process is a learning experience for me.
A good explanation of how I am hoping to have it set up is explained here: http://overthewire.org/help/sshinfra.html
So you can do that by creating a new docker based shell for the user
Creating the user
First we create the user using below command
sudo useradd --create-home --shell /usr/local/bin/dockershell tarun
echo "tarun:tarunpass" | sudo chpasswd
sudo usermod -aG docker tarun
Creating the shell
Next create a shell file /usr/local/bin/dockershell
docker run -it --rm ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
And then chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dockershell
. Now you can ssh to your vm with the new user
$ ssh tarun@vm
tarun@vm's password:
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Last login: Sun Oct 1 06:50:06 2017 from
Starting shell for tarun
This takes me to the docker container and no session changes are saved. If you want to secure it even more, you should be user namespace remapping
when they exit anything they did isn't saved
That is because the writable layer of a container is discarded when the container stops.
You should make sure your container is run with a bind mount or (better) a volume: that way, the modification done during the ssh, if done in the right (mounted) path, would persists.