I'm looking to walk an object tree of unknown depth and return a given node via an ES6 promise. (used lodash here, obviously not necessary, I realize). I've got the tree walking working fine but I'm a bit unclear the proper method to ensure that the top-level scope variable promise
is passed into the recursive function calls so that it's available when calling .resolve( data )
. Right now it attempts to execute on a successful find but fails to resolve the promise since the recursive function has overwritten with a new promise and it fails to bubble up the chain:
deepFindReturn (object, searchKey, searchVal, cb) {
if ( !cb ) cb = _.noop;
for(let x in object){
if (object.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
if ( object[searchKey] === searchVal ) {
return cb( object );
if ( _.isArray( object[x] ) && !this.found ){
object[x].forEach( (item) => {
this.deepFindReturn(item, searchKey, searchVal, cb);
} else if ( typeof object[x] === typeof {} && !this.found ) {
this.deepFindReturn(object[x], searchKey, searchVal, cb);
deepFindReturn(data, 'uuid', 'f8d1ffed-9b51-4982-97b7-60f8e074eda4')
here's the tree I'm walking, in case it helps:
data = {