
Intellij Python does not import from .pydevproject

2019-06-14 13:33发布


PyDev eclipse plugin creates two files a .project file and a .pydevproject file. The .pydevproject file contains all library references. Basically I list all my dependencies as


Unfortunately Intellij won't import these libraries from .pydevproject.


  1. How can I force this?
  2. I have the dependencies as based strings and I can hand type them for IntelliJ but which file do I have to edit and where do I put this?
  3. Also how do I alter the PYTHONPATH like in eclipse? In eclipse I can set the pythonpath to a list of UNC paths. Unfortunately I cannot* use the IntelliJ UI to choose a Python Intepreter and rely on Intellij defaulting mechanism to alter the paths (It is because my python is on a network share and relies on some native windows file system magic to workout where the bin files are. I would rather give IntelliJ a list of paths that make up the python interpreter)


PYTHONPATH for the additional modules can be configured in the Python SDK settings Classpath tab or directly in %CONFIG%\options\jdk.‌​table.xml file.