Okay. So I've got my isamplegrabber callback method to work, and I am able to get the data into opencv. But due to the fact that this is totally new to me, I just want to get some feedback if the code is "correct", cause it doesn't seem to be a good one..
At first in my code (from internet) I've got:
#pragma region Formerly located in qedit.h in Windows SDK, now obsoleted and defined within project
void createDirectShowGraph(void);
struct __declspec(uuid("0579154a-2b53-4994-b0d0-e773148eff85"))
ISampleGrabberCB : IUnknown
// Raw methods provided by interface
virtual HRESULT __stdcall SampleCB (double SampleTime, struct IMediaSample * pSample ) = 0;
virtual HRESULT __stdcall BufferCB (double SampleTime, unsigned char * pBuffer, long BufferLen ) = 0;
static const IID IID_ISampleGrabberCB = { 0x0579154A, 0x2B53, 0x4994, { 0xB0, 0xD0, 0xE7, 0x73, 0x14, 0x8E, 0xFF, 0x85 } };
struct __declspec(uuid("6b652fff-11fe-4fce-92ad-0266b5d7c78f"))
ISampleGrabber : IUnknown
// Raw methods provided by interface
virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetOneShot (long OneShot ) = 0;
virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetMediaType (struct _AMMediaType * pType ) = 0;
virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetConnectedMediaType (struct _AMMediaType * pType ) = 0;
virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetBufferSamples (long BufferThem ) = 0;
virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetCurrentBuffer (/*[in,out]*/ long * pBufferSize,
/*[out]*/ long * pBuffer ) = 0;
virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetCurrentSample (/*[out,retval]*/ struct IMediaSample * * ppSample ) = 0;
virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetCallback (struct ISampleGrabberCB * pCallback,long WhichMethodToCallback ) = 0;
struct __declspec(uuid("c1f400a0-3f08-11d3-9f0b-006008039e37"))
// [ default ] interface ISampleGrabber
#pragma endregion
And later, with much help from the internet, I inserted this:
class CFakeCallback : public ISampleGrabberCB
//some variables and stuff...
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { return 2; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { return 1; }
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv)
//CheckPointer(ppv, E_POINTER);
if (riid == IID_ISampleGrabberCB || riid == IID_IUnknown)
*ppv = (void *) static_cast<ISampleGrabberCB *>(this);
return NOERROR;
STDMETHODIMP SampleCB( double SampleTime, IMediaSample * pSample )
//The data for grabbing the frames.
STDMETHODIMP BufferCB( double SampleTime, BYTE * pBuffer, long BufferLen )
return 0;
CFakeCallback callbackF;
And I use:
Everything works, but I wonder. Do i need to create a new class for the callback method? I can see the all the methods in the "#pragma region..." Can't I use those methods for the callback?
one: Do I need to have that class "fakeCallback" for the sampleCB/bufferCB method? Or can I in some way use the methods in the first code-part?
two: "virtual" - method, means that this method can be "overwritten"? is that what I am doing when creating the class fakeCallback, with methods sampleCB & bufferCB?