I need to automatically get data from a software to a file. However, I only get search results for web scraping when I did my research. So, is there a way to get data from a local desktop application that does not have export function? I need some local-desktop-application sort of scraping.
For example, since a local desktop application such as Windows media player (random example) does not have an export function to put its music library data to a file, what do you need to create a program so you could export those data?
The short answer is that there isn't a way to read another app's files unless they are in a compatible format (txt,csv,etc). It sounds like you're wanting to OCR a screen capture.
This might give you something to work from: OCR a screen capture
Some apps (like iTunes) save their library files in some proprietary XML format. The file may not end in ".xml", but it's still a XML file, in which case you can parse it to get what you need.
The answer to your question is going to be determined by answering this question: Are you talking about being able to export data from ANY arbitrary program, or just from a specific one?
If you are looking to get data out of any program out there, then the answer is that there is no silver bullet. There is no catch-all solution to this problem, because each program is going to have data stored in it's own format (some of which may be encrypted!)
If you are looking to export data out of a single program that you are using, do you have a spec of exactly how the data is stored, or BETTER YET, have access to an API or a libary which communicates with the data storage engine that the app is using? If so, this would save you a tremendous amount of time. If not, you need a spec that describes how to access the database or open and parse the data file.