When trying to use json_encode from arrays in foreach() the data moves in to the next values, for example:
I have this table which is coming from the same query + php:
when using json_encode to try and fit this tables data in to highcharts, my outcome is like this:
So it's moving User1's data in to User2's
My desired outcome would be:
This is my code:
$uniqueHours = array();
$series = array();
$data = array();
foreach ($pdo->query("SELECT DATEPART(HOUR, AL.EndDateTime) AS 'EndHour'
FROM ActivityLog AL
ORDER BY AL.EndDateTime, 'EndHour' DESC") as $row)
if ( in_array($row['EndHour'], $uniqueHours) ) {
$uniqueHours[] = $row['EndHour'];
$ODsql = "SELECT * FROM Users";
foreach ($pdo->query($ODsql) as $row)
echo '<tr>';
$SCardNumber = $row['CardNumber'];
$SEmployeeName = $row['Username'];
echo '<td>'.$SEmployeeName.'</td>';
$chartValues = "";
foreach($uniqueHours as $hour)
$countSQL= $pdo->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT(COUNT(AL.TerminalNumber)) AS TOTALS
FROM ActivityLog AL, WavePick WP
WHERE AL.TransactionType = 'SPK' AND WP.PickedQty > 0
AND DATEPART(HOUR, AL.EndDateTime) = ".$hour."
AND AL.StartDateTime >= '".$StartDate." 00:00:00.000' AND AL.EndDateTime <= '".$StartDate." 23:59:59.000'
AND AL.OrderNumber = WP.OrderNumber
AND AL.CardNumber = '".$SCardNumber."'
$result = $countSQL->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$row_count = $result->TOTALS;
$totals[] = $result->TOTALS;
echo '<td>'.$row_count.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
$series['name'] = $SEmployeeName;
$series['data'] = $totals;
I haven't actually put this in to the chart yet because the data is invalid. I am using this to return the outcome:
echo "<div class='well'>";
print json_encode($results, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
echo "</div>";
How can I make this data show only for each user it is linked to?