
Remove whitespace from input stream by only means

2019-06-14 09:32发布


Is there any way of to remove the trailing whitespace after entered a decimal? E.g.:

10        A

I want to catch the first character after the whitespace ends. (Which gotta be \n to be true. if not, then false

My attempt so far:

cout << "Please enter a number: ";
cin >> n;

if (cin.peek() == ' ')
    //Something to catch the whitespaces

if(cin.fail() || cin.peek() != '\n')
    cout << "Not a number." << endl;

    cout << "A number." << endl;

Possible to do that by functions in istream?

(I know cin.fail can do good deeds, but it still doesn't consider an input of 10A as a fail)


As @chris said, you really want to start by reading a whole line, then doing the rest of the reading from there.

std::string line;
std::getline(cin, line);

std::stringstream buffer(line);

buffer >> n;

char ch;
if (buffer >> ch) 
    cout << "Not a number";


I am a little confuse by what your trying to do. Are you saying your trying to avoid white spaces?

cin skips those... it is a valid blank separator like tab or newline. If you do:

int A(0), B(0);

std::cin >> A >> B;

the numbers entered will go in A until you type a space, then they will go in B.

If you are using strings and want to concatenate them into one without spaces;

std::string A, B, C;
std::string final;

std::cin >> A >> B >> C;

std::stringstream ss;
ss << A << B << C;
final = ss.str();

However, like Jerry mentioned, if your dealing with strings, you can just do std::getline() which will give you possibly less headaches.


Thanks for your help. With strings it do be easy yes. Though not allowed to use it.

Can be done by this simple method:

cout << "Please enter a number: ";
cin >> n;

while (cin.peek() == ' ')
   cin.ignore(1,' ');

if(cin.fail() || cin.peek() != '\n')
   cout << "Not a number." << endl;

   cout << "A number." << endl;