This is somewhat of a newbie question I'm sure and I hope the community will excuse me for not knowing this (or not knowing the appropriate search terms to resolve my question).
So, this is the deal: I'm running a small webpage with a small amount of visitors. I've written the whole page in HTML and CSS myself and I host it in my private DropBox (
I've bought the domain name "" from Loopia ( and I've directed this domain to the index.html file referenced to above.
Now, this is what I want to happen: I have three different places you can go to on the page (you choose where to ge through a menu on the left). When one of these links is clicked, it takes the user to another .html-file. What I would like to happen here is that this is seen in the adress field so when he or she clicks on "x", it should say on top. Also, when he or she navigates away from the webpage through a hyperlink I would like the adress field to update to show the new location. Right now, no matter what the user does, it always says in the adress field.
I probably should mention that my options (freely translated from swedish) when I go to the configuration of my domain name at Loopia is the following:
- Parking
- Forwarding (the one I'm currently using)
- Send to an external URL
- (Unavailable because I don't have a web hotel with Loopia) Point to another domain in the account.
- (Unavailable because I don't have a web hotel with Loopia) Own homefolder for webpage.