I would like to receive some help on the following code:
fillDataAssociationsArray(DataAssociationIDS: string[]) {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
for (const id of DataAssociationIDS) {
data => {
return promise;}
In the code above I am trying to convert an array of DataAssociationIDS to DataAssociation objects, and than pushing them to a local array of DataObjects[]. I get each DataObject with an id from the array(parameter) and than performing a get Request to the API which returns the correct DataObject from the Backend.
public getDataAssociationByID(dataAssociationID: string) {
return this.http.get<DataAssociationInterface>(this.apiURL + 'typeOne=DATAASSOCIATIONS&id=' + dataAssociationID,
{ observe: 'response' });}
I want to chain some HTTP get requests from my api, where each request depends on the result of the previous request. So my idea was to make promises of these requests and use the then() method as follows: firstRequest().then( SecondRequest().then(...)) and so to follow.
My try
ngOnInit() {
() => console.log(this.DataAssociations)
// () => console.log(this.DataAssociations[0].languages.DUT.name)
First result Second line result
This first line in the then()-block prints the correct resulting local array however, when I try the second line(commented) which prints the name of the item I get undefined??? And when I chain the next request it also cant read undefined obviously.