I have HEX data like this (F9F9F9F9) returned from a query. When I checked from IBM link : https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS2MB5_14.1.0/com.ibm.xlf141.bg.doc/language_ref/asciit.html
F9 = 9 and F9 = 9
Here I should get result as 9999
I jhave around 1000 hex records like this in a table.
How can I convert this hex values to it corrsponding EBCDIC ?
I tried like :
select cast(col char(2) as codebase(37)) from table
How ever, its not working. THis link is also not working: I'm not sure if its a cobol code or DB2 script. : http://www.ibmmainframeforum.com/db2/topic8785.html
Please help.Thanks.