I have different locale file for messages to user in JSF based Project.
i want to retrieve messages from all locale available in my project using Key
I am using in managed bean
String message=ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.tech.resources.messages",
new Locale(loggedInUser.getLanguage())).getString("label.hostel.room.allocated");
Instead of one String i want all messages as a array or list assosiated with this key in all resource bundles like messages.properties, messages_hin.properties etc.
As you've already figured how to get a locale-specific bundle and then get its message by key and that part thus doesn't need to be answered, your sole question basically boils down to:
How can I get all supported locales of my JSF application?
You can get all supported locales by Application#getSupportedLocales()
Application application = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
Iterator<Locale> supportedLocales = application.getSupportedLocales();
while (supportedLocales.hasNext()) {
Locale supportedLocale = supportedLocales.next();
// ...