If I'm actually asking you for help, it's because I spend many hours for nothing into trying to fix my problem:
I would like to compile my python script into .exe: (I am using Python 32 bits 3.1.4 and pygame)
I have 4 files: Class.pyc, _Class_game.pyc, _ressources.pyc et main.py and a folder @ressources with all images and songs
This is my scritp setup.py:
import cx_Freeze
executables = [cx_Freeze.Executable("main.py"), base = "Win32GUI"]
name="Strike The square",
version = "2.0",
description = "Jeu Strike The Square, V2.1",
options={"build_exe": {"packages":["pygame"],
"include_files": ["_Class_.pyc","_Class_game.pyc","_ressources.pyc"]}},
executables = executables
This create a folder "exe.xin32-3.1" with python (compiled) and my game
Next, I use inno setup to build the installer and add the folder @ressources
On my computer, It works very well, but when one of my friend wants to play (he hasn't python and pygame), the game creates this error: [Error][1]
Then...I think this error comes from windows' ressources but I don't know how can I fix it... The option (in setup.py):
include_msvcr = True
Doesn't work...
Thanks for your answer and excuse my english...
PS: this my game imports
import pygame,time, ctypes
from random import randint
from pygame.locals import *
from math import sqrt
from _ressources import Shared
except ImportError as e:
print("Erreur du chargement du module: {0}".format(e))