I've written the following method to find out whether a long word contains a shorter word, and the order in which I pass the letters appears to effect the outcome.
I've noticed that if I feed it absconds
and bassy
it correctly reports NO
, but if I alphabetize the letters and give it abcdnoss
and abssy
, it gives YES
. I'm not too sure why this is – can anyone spot the issue?
- (BOOL) does: (NSString* ) longWord contain: (NSString *) shortWord {
while([longWord length] > 0 && [shortWord length] > 0) {
NSCharacterSet *set = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString: [shortWord substringToIndex: 1]];
if ([longWord rangeOfCharacterFromSet: set].location == NSNotFound) {
return NO;
longWord = [longWord substringFromIndex: [longWord rangeOfCharacterFromSet: set].location+1];
shortWord = [shortWord substringFromIndex: 1];
return YES;