I checked out the questions that have already been asked on this subject, "There are many", but I do not find a solution.
I have a fairly large task and the files name is 'sample_employee_data.rake'... so here goes:
namespace :db do
desc "Fill database with sample Employee data"
task populate: :environment do
@gender = ["Male", "Female"]
@role = ["Staff", "Support", "Team_Leader", "Manager", "Director"]
@marital_status = ["Single", "Married"]
@primary_position = ["Household", "Job Developer", "Job Coach",
"Job Support", "Personal Care"]
@trained_position = ["Household", "Job Developer", "Job Coach",
"Job Support", "Personal Care"]
@emer_contact_relationship = ["Friend", "Brother", "Sister", "Aunt",
"Uncle", "Cousin", "Nephew", "Father",
"Mother", "Spouse"]
def randomDate(params={})
years_back = params[:year_range] || 5
latest_year = params[:year_latest] || 0
year = (rand * (years_back)).ceil +
(Time.now.year - latest_year - years_back)
month = (rand * 12).ceil
day = (rand * 31).ceil
series = [date = Time.local(year, month, day)]
if params[:series]
params[:series].each do |some_time_after|
series << series.last + (rand * some_time_after).ceil
return series
Employee.create!(first_name: "Shelly",
last_name: "Houghton",
mi: "M",
full_name: "Shelly M Houghton",
marital_status: "Single",
gender: "Female",
hire_date: "2000-04-16",
primary_position: "Manager",
trained_position: "Job Developer",
email: "shoughton@example.com",
active: true,
address1: "76th Ave",
city: "Frave",
zip_code: "54806",
state: "WI",
emp_home_ph: "1-111-111-1111",
emp_mobile_ph: "1-222-222-2222",
emer_contact_first_name: "Kenneth",
emer_contact_last_name: "Koening",
emer_contact_relationship: "Friend",
emer_contact_ph: "1-333-333-3333",
role: "Manager",
birth_date: "1982-08-21",
admin: true,
password: "90nothguoh",
password_confirmation: "90nothguoh")
99.times do |n|
first_name = Faker::Name.first_name
last_name = Faker::Name.last_name
mi = ("A".."Z").to_a[rand(26)]
full_name = Faker::Name.full_name
marital_status = @marital_status[rand(2)].to_s
gender = @gender[rand(2)].to_s
hire_date = randomDate(:year_range => 60, :year_latest => 12)
birth_date = randomDate(:year_range => 60, :year_latest => 22)
primary_position = @primary_position[rand(5)].to_s
trained_position = @trained_position[rand(5)].to_s
email = "emp-#{n+1}@example.org"
active = [true, false][rand(2)]
admin = (1 == rand(2) ? true : false)
role = @role[rand(5)].to_s
address1 = "Seaview-#{n+5}Way"
city = Faker::Lorem.words(1).to_s.capitalize
state = Faker::Address.us_state()
zip_code = Faker::Address.zip_code
emp_home_ph = Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number
emp_mobile_ph = Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number
emer_contact_first_name = Faker::Name.first_name
emer_contact_last_name = Faker::Name.last_name
emer_contact_relationship = @emer_contact_relationship[rand(10)].to_s
emer_contact_ph = Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number
password = "uniqueone"
Employee.create!(first_name: first_name, mi: mi, last_name: last_name,
full_name: full_name, marital_status: marital_status,
gender: gender, birth_date: birth_date, hire_date: hire_date,
primary_position: primary_position, trained_position:
trained_position, email: email, role: role, address1:
address1, city: city, state: state, zip_code: zip_code,
emp_home_ph: emp_home_ph, emp_mobile_ph: emp_mobile_ph,
emer_contact_first_name: emer_contact_first_name,
emer_contact_last_name: emer_contact_last_name,
emer_contact_relationship: emer_contact_relationship,
emer_contact_ph: emer_contact_ph, password: password,
password_confirmation: password)
I ran:
rake sample_employee_data.rake
and I got this flag:
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'sample_employee_data.rake'
home/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p385@rails3212/bin/ruby_noexec_wrapper:14:in 'eval'
home/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p385@rails3212/bin/ruby_noexec_wrapper:14:in '<main>'
Can anyone spot the problem ... my apologies for such a long file.