I am currently writing a code to simulate particle collisions. I am trying to open as much files as there are particles (N) and then put the data for positions and velocities in each of these files for each step of the time integration (using Euler's method, but that is not relevant). For that, I tried using a do loop so it will open all the files I need - then I put all the data in them with a different do loop later - and then close them all.
I first tried just doing a do loop to open the files - but it gave errors of the type "file already open in another unit", so I did the following:
module parameters
implicit none
character :: posvel
integer :: i, j, N
real :: tmax
real, parameter :: tmin=0.0, pi=3.14159265, k=500.0*10E3, dt=10.0E-5, dx=10.0E-3, g=9.806, ro=1.5*10E3
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: xold, xnew, vold, vnew, m, F, r
end module parameters
PROGRAM Collision
use parameters
implicit none
write(*,*) 'Enter total number of particles (integer number):'
read(*,*) N
xold(1) = 0.0
vold(1) = 0.0
m(1) = 6.283*10E-9
r(1) = 10E-4
xold(2) = 5.0
vold(2) = 0.0
m(2) = 6.283*10E-9
r(2) = 10E-4
write(*,*) 'Type total time elapsed for the simulation(real number):'
read(*,*) tmax
do i = 1, N
write(posvel,"(a,i3.3,a)") "posveldata",i,".txt"
open(unit=i,file=posvel, status="unknown")
end do
do i = 1, N
end do
The last ten lines are the ones that regard to my problem.
That worked in codeblocks - it opened just the number of files I needed, but I'm actually using gfortran and it gives me and "end of record" error in the write statement.
How can I make it to execute properly and give me the N different files that I need?
P.S.: It is not a problem of compilation, but after I execute the program.