I have some expired(unused) provisioning profile in my xcode. I want to delete them but the problem is in my ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/
folder the provisioning profiles are not saved with the name but a hexadecimal string like
How can I get the name of each provisioning so that I can delete them. I don't want to delete all and then reinstall the rest.
Easy Way
Go to the folder ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/
and select a profile and hit space bar you'll see something like this
Geeky Way
I have created the script GitHub/ListProvisioningProfileName. You can find the steps of usage there.
When you run the script it will show the output like below
$ list-provisioning-profile-name.sh
Example Output
03174601-551e-4185-b6b9-968b7ebd57a1.mobileprovision ad hoc myprofile
31456708-99d8-4496-88ce-8c2acee1d5c6.mobileprovision xc ad hoc: com.abc.ios.*
3d45aa08-1cef-4023-a563-ec77f99a6043.mobileprovision cool water
4912b573-3df4-4235-9519-5534fc5b3f9c.mobileprovision Fast and Furious
4912eb37-a030-4ca4-989c-0e66cb7c3795.mobileprovision adhoc-nursery-poems
6d21b1f0-0595-4bfc-9ae0-a2053ad0acac.mobileprovision me team dist
7c21c1da-a65f-4277-ac1d-c81161728035.mobileprovision myapp
8621b58b-04f3-4aaf-8d1e-f9e67183572d.mobileprovision HelloExample
af21b527-05d7-476a-888f-2d3a3d429277.mobileprovision xc ad hoc: com.abc.ios.name
f01125b0-6623-47ed-b766-cbb1138ab752.mobileprovision my-dev-wild`
Just delete them all, then open Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > YourAccount > View Details and press the refresh button in the lower left corner. That will reload the latest versions from the Developer Portal.
You can as well navigate here, then right click on any Profile to open the folder where they are stored.